Not much more than six years ago it looked as if I was set to become the master of my own downfall, or as my wife reminds me occasionally, “you were either going to kill yourself or I might have done it for you.”
It might sound a little exaggerated but it’s closer to fact than fiction.
How life has taken me from that low ebb to now finding myself on a three week long, high altitude training visit to the Swiss Alps is a tale that this blog probably doesn’t allow scope for. How and ever, over the course of weekly updates during my time here in St. Moritz I hope to chronicle some of the people, places and things that have helped get me this far.
Whether it be my involvement in football from a young age, any of my varied musical interests or indeed, my fondness for burning the midnight oil, I have approached a lot of life with an all or nothing, sometimes obsessional view. I don’t know why that is. I know that I am not the only person this could be said about. But that is me and it probably won’t change.
At least now, any intense focus is channelled down more positives avenues than before.
Soon after ending my relationship with alcohol, I found a new love in running. Quickly, I realised that I had discovered a passion, as I do, for something that would help me replace the thrill I had hitherto tried to find though boozing and late nights.
The nice thing about running it seemed, was the absence of any hangover. You could, within reason, run as much as you like, feel good as a result of it and not have to deal with any obvious negatives.
So, with about eight months running under my feet, I took on my first marathon in 2014, clocking a creditable 3.07 in Dublin. The following year I went one better, ducking in under the three hour mark with a 2.57 in Amsterdam, where I returned to last year and registered my current personal best of 2.48.
The gradual progression of my efforts over the marathon distance is in no small part down to the guidance of my coach Emmett Dunleavy, who has programmed my training for the majority of my time running. Because of the distance between our locations we don’t see much of each other in person but regular email and phone contact helps bridge the gap.
Having secured an entry for this years Berlin Marathon through their hugely over subscribed lottery process and knowing that improvement on last years effort in the Dutch capital would require an increased effort in terms of preparation, the idea of travelling to altitude to train this summer was one that was put in front of the board (solely consisting of one member, whose identity you can probably guess!) just before Christmas. Surprisingly, the proposal was given approval.
The plan seemed to fall into place fairly seamlessly. Flying to Zurich from Dublin last Sunday afternoon allowed me to race the Irish National Half-Marathon Championship the same morning, where I was happy to finish in the top 30 with a PB of 76mins. Following this up with three weeks training in an oxygen depleted environment would accelerate my fitness before I returned to Ireland to complete my final preparations ahead of my September 29th appointment in Germany.
And so the adventure really got under way last Monday with a spectacular train journey south to St. Moritz. Inhabited by a population of just 5,000, this luxury Alpine resort town has twice hosted the Winter Olympics and has more recently become a hugely popular destination for endurance athletes of all levels.
Bumping into some of the most talented and best known athletes in the world before you have even left your accommodation is not a unusual thing around these parts. I’m fortunate to have a perfect view of the famous four lane track where the likes of Norway’s trio of Ingebrigtsen brothers and European half marathon record holder (59.13), Julien Wanders have been regularly working out over the last week.
Recovering from last weekend’s Rock N Roll half marathon while settling into the new conditions here at altitude were first week targets that complemented each other. To adapt to the reduced oxygen at 1,800m above sea level, I would need to take a very conservative approach to the first 7-10 days training. Heavy legs from those hills in the Phoenix Park didn’t argue with that idea.
A relatively low load week in terms of intensity allowed me to settle into my new surroundings without any trouble. Striking up a connection with Team New Balance Manchester marathoners Andrew Davies (PB 2.15) and Jonny Mellor (2.12) helped ensure I wasn’t lonely for long! I’m normally happy to run on my own but maintaining those solo efforts and coming back to an empty apartment every evening can lose its appeal quicker than you might think, regardless of where you are in the world. The lads are much faster than me so I tag along for some of their easier efforts and we’ve taken a trip up to one of the great glaciers together, as well as a slightly less exciting outing to Aldi this afternoon!
Two long runs, a 15 and 17miler, spread over the last three days has helped to transition into the slightly heavier couple of weeks training that will see out my time here in the beautiful Engadine Valley. Words wouldn’t go close to describing the beauty of this place but maybe the pictures will help give some impression of the spectacular setting I am lucky to find myself in for three weeks that I could hardly have imagined not too long ago.
At this point I should raise a toast to the previously mentioned Chairperson of The Board, cheers Victoria!
I would not be here without you.
Keep up to date with Trevor's journey to September's Berlin Marathon by following @TrainWithTrevor across all social media
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