Monday, 6 April 2015

Home Run

Hard to believe we are quarter of the year through already, how time flies. The two main focuses for the first half of my running year were the Ballycotton 10 and the Great Island 10. Having been unable to fully commit every effort into the former due to a slight calf strain, it’s back to the local roads next Sunday for what should be a decent performance to finish well within 65minutes.

The course itself is challenging and anyone tackling it for the first time will have a good test ahead them. With a fast opening mile, temptation awaits for those looking to burn up early gas – just say no! Saving some energy for the later stages is vitally important on this course. A controlled effort through the first four or five undulating miles should set you up nicely to attack the second half of the course.

An exciting addition to this year’s events in Cobh will be the inaugural running of a four miler on the same day. This will surely be of great interest to people looking to get involved without having to undergo the training required for the longer distance. One such new recruit is my own mother, Phil. Young at heart and full of what life is all about, I’m very excited for her and glad to say preparations have been coming along well for us both.

Another lady of note set to appear on the islands roads next weekend is none other than Sonia O’Sullivan. To have an athlete of Sonia’s illustrious standing amongst the field is something that is quite unique. I can’t think of many sports where you get the chance to line up in the same event and partake alongside an Olympic medalist and multiple European and World Champion.  

Myself, Sonia, Phil + father Joe (Head Coach!)
Sunday will mark a break in my longer distance racing, with the ensuing couple of months geared towards building more intense speed work into the schedule. The John Buckley Sports Graded Track and Field League commencing next month will give me an opportunity to sample the track side of athletics for the first time. It’s something I am looking forward to, and confident that it offers me a chance of improving if approached in the right way.

Focusing on shorter distances will add a bit of variety to my training before time comes to begin concentrating on an autumn marathon in Amsterdam. Although a while away yet, I am starting to get excited about the visit to The Netherlands, with a flatter course and the expected mild conditions offering a decent opportunity to break the three hour barrier.

For now though, it’s time for us all to look forward to next weekend and the rare chance of racing on the local roads. So, when it gets tough and the time comes to dig deep, you can think about the many cancer sufferers whose lives you will enhance by helping to raise much needed funds for the provision of palliative care through Irish Cancer Society. Without exception, every family in the land is or once was affected by the illness. Putting your own personal battle with the 10miles in line with that of those whose challenge is cancer can allow you see through a clearer light. Many people would love to take to the roads and run, all of us lucky enough to take part have the choice to do so.

Enjoy and give thanks!

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